AISMA finance clinic
Being members of AISMA (the Association of Independent Specialist Medical Accountants), our very own Kieran Hancock, Director in our Plymouth office’s healthcare team was recently asked to take part in Episode 3 of AISMA’s Finance Clinics, filmed and produced for Practice Index.
The Finance Clinic looks to field questions and provide information to Practice Managers around ‘Preparing your year-end information for your accountant’. Kieran and a panel of two other AISMA members, covered the important points in ensuring a smooth handover of year-end information to your accountant. With our Healthcare Teams now in full swing, as they start working through the majority of March year-ends, this Episode should provide some hints and tips to stream-line this process.
You can watch the full video here.
Should you have any questions regarding your year-end accounts or required information please contact us.