IASME Cyber Assurance Certification
Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to cyber security

Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to cyber security
IASME (information assurance for small and medium enterprises) Cyber Assurance Certification is a fantastic way to demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to information and cyber security. We are a certification body registered with the governing body, IASME and are therefore perfectly placed to support you and your business.
Building upon the Cyber Essentials Certification, which focuses on your organisation’s technical controls and security, IASME Cyber Assurance focuses on the formality of your policies, procedures and behaviours of your staff.
It’s no good having great technical controls in place if your workforce do not understand their role in keeping your business safe from cyber threats! This is a great and affordable alternative to ISO27001 and provides that reassurance to your customers, suppliers and directors that you intend to manage your data and systems securely.
The IASME Cyber Assurance Certification also supports your business’ compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Combining this certification with the Cyber Essential Plus certification shows a holistic approach to cyber security in your business.
IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 (self-assured)
IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 costs from just £400 + VAT (which includes the Cyber Essentials certification of £300 + VAT). It is a self-assessment questionnaire and you are able to achieve certification status if your organisation already meets the required standards. Once achieved, you are able to place the logo on your website for marketing purposes. You will also be recognised and registered on the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) website.
Where your policies and procedures do not currently meet the IASME Cyber Assurance standards, we can advise and support you to implement the required improvements. We can provide as much or as little support as you require. We are here to support you and your business achieve its potential.
IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 (audited)
IASME Cyber Assurance audited builds upon the initial certification. We are able to provide independent assurance over your policies, procedures and processes. This can be performed on-site or remotely – we adapt to meet your business’ needs and recognise that the health and safety of your workforce in this working world is of paramount importance.
The assessment we perform includes in-depth reviews of your company policy documents and interviews with your some of your staff.
The nature of this audit varies considerably depending on the size and complexity of your organisation, therefore we strongly advise speaking to of our Cyber Security team to obtain an accurate quote.
We also offer competitively priced, bespoke cyber security services. We look forward to helping you and your business improve its cybersecurity posture and building a friendly and lasting relationship