Colleagues at PKF Francis Clark in Exeter support Devon Mind

Members of PKF Francis Clark’s Exeter office charity, social and wellbeing committee present a cheque to Andre Pusey, Devon Mind’s marketing and fundraising manager, third left
Members of our Exeter office charity, social and wellbeing committee were delighted to present a cheque for £4,291 to Devon Mind.
Colleagues raised the funds through a variety of activities including charity breakfasts, bake sales and raffles.
Andre Pusey, marketing and fundraising manager for Devon Mind, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to everyone at PKF Francis Clark’s Exeter office for their amazing fundraising efforts over the last few years. Their support will go a long way to helping people across Devon, including Exeter, to access a range of services to help them take steps towards positive mental health. Thank you so much!”
The money raised will be used to support people across Devon experiencing mental health problems; the amount could pay for 17 people to receive a series of six counselling sessions each, or cover the costs of 42 half-day mental health workshops.

Fundraising events included a Christmas jumper day
Charity committee member Sarah Dalley said: “We originally chose Devon Mind as our office charity of the year for 2020 because mental health is very important to us and we wanted to support their valuable work in our community. Sadly the Covid lockdowns meant we weren’t able to do as much fundraising as usual, so we continued supporting Devon Mind with a variety of activities and events during 2021 and 2022.
“We hope our fundraising efforts will make a difference to people experiencing mental health problems here in Devon.”
This year colleagues in Exeter are fundraising for Exeter Community Initiatives after choosing the charity in a staff vote. Exeter Community Initiatives helps people facing poverty, inequality and homelessness to get their lives back on track by developing projects to help them succeed in life, improve their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and increase their sense of belonging.
Find out more about our Exeter office and current vacancies.
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